Meet the Executive Team of FAMUN 2025

The Executive Team makes sure FAMUN 2025 is the best conference in FAMUN's short but thriving history. You can stay updated with us via our social media platforms.

The Executive Team of FAMUN 2025


From left to right: Sven Barnhoorn and Kate Jager

The Secretariat is the head of the Executive Team. Our most important task is to make sure that everyone works together as a team. To make sure this FAMUN conference will be the best yet, we will combine fun and professionalism before and during the conference.
We hope to meet all of you at FAMUN 2025!


From left to right: Top row: Suray Malik, Julia Wiggemans, Zoë van de Pol; Bottom row: Kuno Deelstra, Micheal Crisp

Team Conference Officer is responsible for the general organization of the conference. Our duties include arranging meals, recruiting and onboarding of the admins and coordinating the overall logistics and planning of the event. As this year’s team, we are very excited for FAMUN 2025 and we hope to see you in February!


From left to right: Top row: Aila Keurentjes; Bottom row: Nikki Hornman, Emma Gu

Part of Team Registration's job is to stay in contact with the delegates at all times. Delegates can email us with any questions or concerns they have about FAMUN. In return, we will provide them with the information they need and will then regularly inform them about the conference. We have to make sure all delegates are well prepared to attend FAMUN. We also manage the MyMUN page where different delegates or delegations can register for the conference. Another part of our job, together with the secretariat, is to pick the chairs who will attend FAMUN and assign them to the different committees. Should you have any questions about FAMUN you can email us at We all look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at FAMUN 2025!


From left to right: Asanay Malik and Omar Asad

Team Housing is responsible for the housing arrangements and transportation of FAMUN 2025. Team Housing arranges the buses and taxi's that will transport the delegations to all the necessary locations during the conference of FAMUN 2025. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s conference!


From left to right: Top row: Diana van ‘t Land; Botton row: Melina Bijlsma, Jodi Lemmens

Team Ceremonies will be focusing on organising the Opening and Closing Ceremony during the preparations of FAMUN 2025. This includes arranging interesting keynote speakers, spectacular acts and creative videos for our visitors. Both ceremonies will be presented by our amazing Masters of Ceremonies that can’t wait to welcome you all at FAMUN 2025. We hope to see you soon at the Opening Ceremony!


From left to right: Top row: Lotus Veltman, Sophie Wiggemans; Bottom row: Tessa Visser, Cathy Nakayenga

Right upper corner: Jona van ‘t Land

The Press team is readily available to shape FAMUN. We create the face of the conference and make sure possible delegates receive the best possible impression of the conference. This is done by creating a beautiful site, maintaining our social media channels, gorgeous photos and breathtaking videos. The design of the conference is part of our task as well. Do you remember our bottles, pens, folders, flags, lanyards, badges and placards? All of these items were designed by team press. We also make sure that we do not run out of these items. We count the items and order any item we need to make sure attendees of FAMUN can take home more than just memories! You will also see team press running around with cameras, taking photos and recording videos. These will be used for FAMUN TV on YouTube, social media and the site.
We sincerely hope to be able to welcome you, come February 2025!


From left to right: Giel de Beer and Levi Bras

Team Finance is in charge of the finance of FAMUN. They control the budget and keep track of all the money that comes in and goes out. When other teams want to spend money for the conference, team Finance will need to approve first. They also take care of the invoices for the schools. If you wish for any further information or if you have any questions, please mail to  It’s important to look out for the payment deadline.
We, team finance, hope to see you at FAMUN 2025!


From left to right: Top row: Amira Heussen; Bottom row: Norah Meijenhardt, Lynn Brouwer

As team hospitality, we’ll be organising an amazing party to get everyone’s minds off debating! We are also going to organise speaking workshops for everyone in order to get every delegate comfortable in their own committee. Furthermore, we’ll be taking care of a delicious cupcake corner with different kinds of hand baked cupcakes and brownies. We are going to organise a tour throughout our wonderful city Amersfoort for all the attending MUN-directors, and for all our StOff, we’ll have an amazing StOff-dinner. We’ll also manage to thank everyone that helped us make FAMUN 2025 a wonderful experience. Last but not least, we’ll ensure everyone has a delicious lunch together with team Conference Officer.
We are all looking forward to meeting you in February!


From left to right: Top row: Violet Holm; Bottom row: Maya Hengeveld, Bart Jansen

Dear everybody, We’re team research! Our team is responsible for the main theme of Famun 2025 and all the topics of debate. Of course some of our special committees will also need to handle a crisis situation which we think of as well. While we’re busy thinking about how to keep things interesting during the debates, we’re also very excited to see you soon at Famun 2025!